Pushing your Online Business Idea out into the World

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Success in 2015

5 things to make your website successful in 2015

If you’ve been thinking about the top things you should focus on this year, apart from your financial goals, you should definitely take the time to consider what other aspects of your business could use some improvement. Below we’ve compiled a top 5 list of actions that will benefit your business in 2015. 1. Ensure … Continued

3 traffic sources you should know about

A big part of growing any business or organisation is getting more leads. On your business website, this means that you need more traffic. So how can you get more traffic to your website? Ultimately, there are 3 basic types of traffic; earned, bought and owned. Earned traffic This is what most people think of … Continued

Website themes risk & benefits

The risks & benefits of using website themes

If you’ve ever considered building your own website for your business, you’ve probably come across website themes. If not, let me explain quickly. A theme is a pre-built design for a website that will generally sit on top of a Content Management System. Using a theme allows you to get a professional website up and … Continued

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